Styling Open Shelving

21 March 2023

Open shelving is a great way to add visual interest to a room and display your favourite decor items. However, styling open shelves can be a bit tricky, as it requires a balance of aesthetics and functionality — less is often more. We’ve highlighted some simple tips to help you style your open shelves like a pro.

1. Start with a plan. Before you start filling space, take a step back and consider what you want to achieve. What items do you want to display? Which will you reach for most often? Having a plan ready will make it easier to style your shelves in a cohesive and visually pleasing way.

Bontempi Casa Charlotte Bookcase   Bontempi Casa Charlotte Bookcase
Pictured above: Charlotte Bookcase by Bontempi Casa

2. Keep it balanced. Open shelves can easily become cluttered, so it's important to keep a balance of items on each shelf. A general rule of thumb is to have a mix of larger and smaller items, and to avoid overcrowding. Bontempi Casa's Charlotte Bookcase incorporates a range of shelving and cupboards for a mix of 'on display' and 'hidden away'. 

Bontempi Casa Lexington Bookcase   Bontempi Casa Lexington Bookcase
Pictured above: Lexington Bookcase by Bontempi Casa

3. Use a variety of items. To create visual interest and depth, incorporate a variety of items on your shelves. Mix and match different textures, colours, and shapes to add dimension to your display. With the Lexington Bookcase by Bontempi Casa one can take this even further, with a bespoke mix of shelf materials and colours for an eclectic look. 

Cattelan Italia Fulham Bookcase   Cattelan Italia Fulham Bookcase
Pictured above: Fulham Bookcase by Cattelan Italia

4. Group similar items together. Clustering items in categories, such as vases or books, will create a cohesive look and make your shelves appear more organised. Take the Fulham Bookcase by Cattelan Italia for example; this design offers balanced, clearly defined spaces to make grouping items quick and simple.

Porada Myria Bookcase   Porada Myria Bookcase
Pictured above: Myria Bookcase by Porada

5. Incorporate greenery. Adding plants to your shelves can add a pop of colour and bring a touch of nature into your space. Opt for low-maintenance plants that don't need a lot of sunlight. The Myria Bookcase by Porada comes in a variety of sizes with varied shelf heights, thus allowing different sized plants and greenery to be part of your display.


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